Яна Осовская
Saturday, 06.58
Pie from scratch or Тертый пирог

Pie from scratch or Тертый пирог

Время40 мин
КухняУкраинская кухня
For making dough you will need: 2 eggs, 250 gram. of butter or margarine, flower, 0,5 tea spoon of baking soda, 150 gram. of sugar. Preserve: 300 gram. cottage cheese, any jam, ( raisins, wall nuts, or pecans): )
Пищевая ценность на 100 г
Белки 6.08 г
Жиры 27.59 г
Углеводы 19.85 г
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Шаг 1
Pie from scratch or Тертый пирог - Шаг 1
You will have to divide your dough into two parts one big and one medium. The medium part put in the freezer for 20 or 25 minutes than your big part put in your form flat, and pour the mixed preserve, cottage cheese, and sugar onto it. Than take out your frozen piece and let it cool down for a couple of minutes, than shader it on the grater on the pie so it will make it look like tiny worms on it, The last step is to put it in the oven, and it is ready!

Тематические подборки

ПирогиТертый пирогПирог с творогом

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